Training Certification


A growing requirement in today’s every-changing, global economy is the need for a well-trained workforce that can meet the quality, productivity and profitability targets of the organization. The job/operator certification process addresses that requirement by providing a step-by-step system to certify employees on the equipment/processes that they work on.

Employees, properly trained and certified on their jobs, become an invaluable resource to their employer, producing world-class quality products at high levels of productivity that add to the profitability and long-term sustainability of the organization.

Job/operator certification is a step-by-step process to qualify employees on the equipment/processes that they operate or use on their job. The length of a job/operator certification program is dependent on the complexity of equipment/process and the availability and skill levels of the personnel. In brief, the process follows these steps:

  • Preliminary evaluation – A “current state” training needs analysis is conducted by an experienced training professional. Subject matter experts within the organization are identified.
  • Training development – Based on the results of the training needs analysis, a training program, complete with job certification checklists, is developed with input from the subject matter experts. Trainers/mentors are also identified.
  • Training delivery – Employees are trained on the equipment processes. This training may be both formal (class room) and informal (on-the-job) depending on the complexity of the equipment/process. Certification evaluators are identified.

Certification – Employees are evaluated as to their ability to perform all the tasks on the certification checklists for their job. Employees who successfully perform all the requirements are job-certified. Those who do not meet all requirements work with a trainer/mentor until they can successfully meet the requirements.


For Additional Information contact:

Bill Martin

Phone – 931.637.1446

E-mail –