Colin Powell on leadershipThere are schools of thought that attempt to bring leadership down to a single point, a three step process or a five phase model, etc. Ludicrous, leadership has many facets one and only one of the traits of a leader is to know what to do next, who to draw from, how to apply situational leadership techniques. In other words, leadership is a complex topic.

There are many things, situations and courses of action that must be understood, analyzed, applied and followed, for the leader to best manage the current situation. In all the complexity of leadership there is a common point or thread that winds itself through all the situations, conditions or opportunities. This common characteristic of an effective leader is; trust! Trust is probably the only attribute that is absolute. Without trust the leader will always fail.

With all this in mind as we begin this journey of the next few months, we will jointly address many aspects of the leader. General Powell has provided us a blueprint of a leader. But even with this great outline the leader must always realize, every event is unique, every organization different, every project has needs unparalleled anywhere else.

Leadership is always about the future. Leadership is always about others. Leadership is always about success. Leadership is always about growth. Leadership is always about team. Leadership is always about decision making. Leadership is always about questions. Leadership is always about answers. In other words leadership is complex.
This leadership series is based on the book “The Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell” by Oren Harari. This material will take us on a mutual journey over the next several months. I do not and will not attempt to address every possible leadership situation. That would be impossible. I will attempt to address attributes that will help you develop you leadership skills and capabilities.
It is absolutely true; leadership is not something only a few are born with. Leadership is a learned skill. The difference is some learn these skills at a very young age, most learn much later in life. I place myself in the later group.
The next several months will address the following sixteen topics. I hope as we move through this subject together that you will e-mail me your questions, concerns, challenges and examples. All this will enhance this activity for you, for me and for everyone. You may e-mail me at, or
The topics that I will be addressing are listed below. I expect to follow this outline in numerical order but I may waiver is circumstances so merit. My expectation is to publish two newsletters per month targeting the first and third week of the month.

If for any reason you miss an issue please e-mail me to either e-mail address above and I will replace the missed edition or editions.
1. Know When to Make People Angry and Know Who to Make Angry.
2. Promote a Diversity of Ideas.
3. Watch Out for the Ego Trap.
4. Don’t Go Looking for Someone to Stop You.
5. The Chief of the Dis-Organization.
6. Know When and How to Challenge the Pros, Consultants and Experts.
7. Embrace the Opposition.
8. People are More Important than Plans.
9. Pay Attention to Details, but don’t be a Micro Manager.
10. Let the Situation Direct the Strategy of Leadership
11. Find the Rules for Picking People.
12. Trust those that do the Work.
13. The Leaders Way.
14. Optimism multiplies Effort.
15. Take Time Off.
16. Prepare to be Alone

Please talk with your peers and see if they would benefit from this series. If you think they may, please send them to the web-site they may download the free white paper and be automatically signed up to receive all future articles.