Leadership Development





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Leadership Development Workshop


         Leadership training for the executive, upper management professional, middle management or novice presented with a new and innovative approach to skills development.  Our training is based on the understanding and development of sixteen leadership attributes defined as critical by General Colin Powell and described in the books by Oren Harari.  An innovative approach to the improvement in your personal leadership skills development will bring astounding results for the dedicated professional.

https://www.chat-quiberon.com/2024/01/18/2k2ldwou5 Leadership Development IS NOT about making the ‘Incompetent’ Leader effective!

Leadership Development IS about ‘Continual Improvement of the Effective Leader’


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Numerous organizations offer leadership training.  Many approach this training as the development of some leadership model, theory or motivational awareness.  At MBC, Inc. our approach lets the participants develop their own implementation plan for the expansion

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https://sieterevueltas.net/mo17b6j8c5x Through interactive team workshop atmosphere the participants will develop an understanding of the importance of the leadership attributes presented.  Working in small teams with rotating leadership the participants develop language and a personal implementation plan for the development of their personal abilities.  Strengthening the attributes they have possession of and developing attributes they were previously unaware were needed or beneficial.


The participants in this training are guided through this personal developmental workshop by facilitators that have many years of developmental training.  The workshop activities are structured in small teams as they work collaboratively to define for the team and for themselves the implementation strategies tailored to their personal needs.

https://gungrove.com/oorgalwx Leadership is learned, it is not a mysterious attribute that only a few are “born-with”.

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https://space1026.com/2024/01/bnbuvfsx28 Widely recognized as the most popular psychological instrument in the world, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assists individuals in identifying their preferences and, in so doing, promotes a more constructive use of those preferences as they interact with others. MBTI is especially useful relative to the growth and development of organizations and the people who work in them.  Based on the work of Swiss-born psychiatrist Carl Jung, MBTI identifies the preferences that form the basic functioning of our personalities throughout our lives. Within organizations, MBTI helps employees and leaders understand themselves and their behaviors, appreciate others so as to make constructive use of individual differences and approach organizational problems/issues in a healthy and productive way.  Martin Business Consulting offers this service to our customers through senior consultant Bob Palmer, a certified facilitator of MBTI.

https://www.prehistoricsoul.com/yh2vf9e Begin your journey to leadership development with a positive step.  Consider bringing this valuable training to your facility to strengthen your entire leadership team and your future leadership team.


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https://modaypadel.com/6966telb6 Bill Martin – President MBC, Inc.

https://space1026.com/2024/01/grfc0xkdx E-mail – BMartin@MBCIncorp.com

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