Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
(2 days)
To Register Click – Here
Course Description and Objective:
This course is targeted for those people who have to read part and assembly drawings as part of their job; such as operators, quality control technicians, set-up personnel, quality engineers, supplier quality engineers, manufacturing engineers, product engineers (also for design purposes), and drafting personnel (for design purposes). Their immediate supervisors could also benefit from this course by becoming more effective communicators with the employees. This course covers the basics of reading and interpreting geometric dimensioning and tolerancing information on prints. The course objectives are to establish a basic level of skills to correctly use prints that contain GD&T information.
To accomplish this objective, the course is divided into several main sections. The first portion of each section is material and discussion related and the second section is an assessment for the attendee’s benefit; each section will be approximately 1 hour. Several aspects of the GD&T language will be covered which will allow the attendee to correctly interpret many different types of parts and assembly drawings that have varying degrees of complexity.
This course is facilitated by Phil Ross
Benefits You Receive:
· understand the dimensional language used on modern drawings
· understand the inherent advantages of using GD&T to describe parts
· understand the limitations of GD&T
· comprehend the variation really allowed in part fabrication
· comprehend when a part really does meet print requirements
· understand part gauging fundamentals with respect to GD&T
· know how to establish part datums
· know how to specify part feature and positional tolerances
Reference Text:
This course is based on “Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing” by Al Neumann.
For Additional Information see below or contact:
Bill Martin
Phone – 931-637-1446
Fax – 931-270-9226
E-mail –
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (2 days)
Day 1 – Morning Session
I. Introduction
A. Class content…how this class is structured
B. Training objectives…what you will learn
II. GD&T Principles
A. Positional concept…how are parts described
B. Material conditions…parts vary in size and how tolerances are affected
C. Symbols and terms…the language of GD&T
D. Feature descriptions…the syntax of the GD&T language
E. Rules…principles that must be obeyed for consistent part descriptions
F. Feature controls…how aspects of a part relate to each other
Day 1 – afternoon session
III. Datums
A. Datums and coordinate systems…defining reference planes for part description
B. Parts and datums…how imperfect parts fit into a system of reference planes
C. Specifying datums…eliminating the uncertainty of implied datums
D. Plane datums…the easiest datum to define
E. Angled datums…not all parts are square
F. Round datums…some parts have round features
Day 2 – morning session
IV. Feature Requirements
A. Positional…holes patterns must line up for assembly purposes
B. Fasteners…bolts and studs must be considered in assemblies
C. Projected tolerance…clearance for bolt insertion is required too
Day 2 – afternoon session
D. Flatness…imperfect parts are not really flat
E. Straightness…imperfect parts are not really straight either
F. Parallelism…variation from side to side
G. Perpendicularity…what’s square with the world
H. Angularity…not all parts are square
I. Profiles…to be able to fly, some parts have contours
J. Cylindricity…pins and holes and what’s allowed
K. Concentricity and runout…holes that are off center
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (2 days)
I. Introduction
II. GD&T Principles:
In this section the general concept of how GD&T works is explained. The later sections go into greater depth of major considerations of GD&T. GD&T is really a common language for graphically describing the physical aspects of various parts. Because of GD&T being a “language,” there are certain required rules and syntax to be used to keep the interpretation consistent from user to user.
III. Datums
Datums are the starting point for GD&T. The datums provide a frame of reference like a Cartesian coordinate system, either 2 or 3 dimensional, depending upon part functionality. How parts contact one another and what function a specific part feature might have generally determine the datums from which all other features are dimensioned and measured. Datums may be in the form of planes, diameters, or angled surfaces depending upon part design and form the foundation of the GD&T principle.
IV. Feature Requirements
Once datums have been established, all other features relate to those datums. The relationship is both in terms of basic position of the feature and the tolerance allowed for that specific feature. Tolerances may be in the form of position, flatness, straightness, parallelism, perpendicularity, profile, cylindricity, concentricity, or runout depending upon the part and feature functional requirements. Usually, there are several ways to tolerance a given part characteristic, but how parts contact one another typically drives the type of tolerance used for a given feature. Understanding the differences among all the feature tolerances is essential for proper application of GD&T information.
For additional Information contact:
Bill Martin
Phone – 931.637.1446
E-mail –