Quality Topics of Interest Presented for viewing and use on-line and without limit all free ________________________________________ See the videos below for the desired presentation. Select any or all PowerPoint presentations. They are all FREE and may be viewed without limit. ________________________________________ Measurement System Error, This issue is addressed in brief, examples of some causes and contributing factors to Measurement System Error. While this presentation IS NOT comprehensive it does give the viewer a few insights into a few causes and contriburing factors of the sources of these errors.

Select the menu item “Training Courses’ Scroll down to the “MSA” course to read about a Measurement System Analysis.  This page provides indepth information into the training in the analysis and trouble shooting of measurement systems.

Internal Audit Checksheet, this tool is often ignored or underutilized by auditors. The PowerPoint presentation about “checksheet” gives an example of the development of a checksheet from a procedure. Once the checksheet is developed this presentation also gives some insight into the use of this very powerful tool.

MSA Presentation Gauge Error

The Development and Use of Audit Check Sheets

Statistical Process Control is a topic of interest to many organizations. The presentation about SPC gives some explanation and talking points to the quality professional that may be of assistance in explaining to your organization the benefits, use and training needed to make an SPC program successful

 Statistical Process Control

Select the menu item “Training Courses” Scroll down to to read about the SPC class. Or, select the menu item “Public Seminars” to see the date and location of the next available class. SPC may also be taught on-sight, whatever best fits your needs.

One of Life’s Greatest Temptations is to Settle for Less“. – Train to Gain –

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